Drugs Don't Work
Drug Free Workplace programs are invaluable to businesses and communities by creating an atmosphere of greater health and safety. Businesses that promote a drug free environment often experience an increase in productivity, safety, profits, customer satisfaction and employee morale. Companies also usually see a decrease in absenteeism, insurance costs, accidents, theft and employee turnover.
Benefits of a Drug Free Workplace:
7.5% discount on workers' compensation premiums every year.
Reduced absenteeism
Increased productivity
Higher morale among employess
Decrease in employee turnover
Cut workers' comp claims in half
Reduce theft and other forms of crime in the workplace.
Through our DDW Program we can help you save 7.5% annually on your worker’s compensation insurance. The DRUGS DON’T WORK In South Georgia program is a regional partnership among the following Chambers of Commerce:
Adel-Cook County
Ashburn-Turner County
Douglas-Coffee County
Lakeland-Lanier County
Moultrie-Colquitt County
Nashville-Berrien County
Quitman-Brooks County
Sylvester-Worth County
Valdosta-Lowndes County
Please click on the logo to visit the Drugs Don't Work website for more information.